
If (4)

- Black Sea coast, August 2010 -

"If you were the night,
I'd sleep in the day.
If you were the day,
I'd cry in the night.
'Cause you are the way,
The truth and the light"
(The Divine Comedy)


If (3)

"(...) if you do me right
I'm gonna do right by you.
And if you keep it tight,
I'm gonna confide in you
If you hang with me."


If (2)

"If you were a tree
I could put my arms around you
And you could not complain"
(The Divine Comedy)


If (1)

"When I was little, I wished... I imagined life was like a film that you can stop and rewind when you wish and start over where you want it to start from."

Klopka (The Trap)


I see the big picture now

The big picture is made of minor details. Some are green, some red, some yellow and some mellow. Seeing small things is just a matter of willingness.



-thoughts as branches; branches embracing the amazing blue above-


He's got the whole world..

-Hermes on top of one of the many beautiful houses around Knez Mihajlova, Beograd-
..not in his hands but close to having so..