
n(0) Regrets

In loc sa plangi in pumni pentru "ce-ar fi fost daca (si n-a fost)", mai bine sa regreti lucruri pe care le-ai facut.
Regretele alimenteaza orele (sau poate zilele) si principiul lor de functionare e similar cu cel al benzinei. Dar, pana la urma, intr-un fel sau altul, benzina e toxica. nu?


If (4)

- Black Sea coast, August 2010 -

"If you were the night,
I'd sleep in the day.
If you were the day,
I'd cry in the night.
'Cause you are the way,
The truth and the light"
(The Divine Comedy)


If (3)

"(...) if you do me right
I'm gonna do right by you.
And if you keep it tight,
I'm gonna confide in you
If you hang with me."


If (2)

"If you were a tree
I could put my arms around you
And you could not complain"
(The Divine Comedy)


If (1)

"When I was little, I wished... I imagined life was like a film that you can stop and rewind when you wish and start over where you want it to start from."

Klopka (The Trap)


I see the big picture now

The big picture is made of minor details. Some are green, some red, some yellow and some mellow. Seeing small things is just a matter of willingness.



-thoughts as branches; branches embracing the amazing blue above-


He's got the whole world..

-Hermes on top of one of the many beautiful houses around Knez Mihajlova, Beograd-
..not in his hands but close to having so..


San Disco

Thanks to Jason Mraz, I'm invited to San Disco Reggaefornia. Apparently, in San Disco, you have to "leave troubles at the door".
All these being said, I am definitely planning to go 'cause I know alternative ways of dancing without any hip moves. Thanks to Rory O'Shea, "Inside I'm dancing!"



Fireworks over Belgrade skies end an enjoyable May day. An enjoyable day full of "those tiny little sparks". (Röyksopp - Sparks).



Shadows walking. Are you scared? Is there someone to comfort you, to hold your hand maybe?
Don't wear fear. You are a shadow yourself. And you're surrounded by your own. Shadows.


Against all odds

Cam care ar fi sansele sa regasesti o privire pe care o credeai pierduta pentru totdeauna? O privire intalnita doar pentru cateva clipe, cu o luna in urma, printre nisip si zarva, la sute bune de kilometri distanta de aici. Probabilistic vorbind, cam nule. Against all odds, privirea a revenit in seara asta, intr-un troleibuz prafuit, printre oameni pe jumatate adormiti.

Thank you stranger-with-black-frame-glasses for making my night starry!


Hope of deliverance

"Hope of deliverance from the darkness that surrounds us..."